
* External authors




DADFNet: Dual Attention and Dual Frequency-Guided Dehazing Network for Video-Empowered Intelligent Transportation

Yu Guo*

Wen Liu*

Jiangtian Nie*

Lingjuan Lyu

Zehui Xiong*

Jiawen Kang*

Han Yu*

Dusit Niyato*

* External authors

AAAI-2022, AI for Transportation Workshop



Visual surveillance technology is an indispensable functional component of advanced traffic management systems. It has been applied to perform traffic supervision tasks, such as object detection, tracking and recognition. However, adverse weather conditions, e.g., fog, haze and mist, pose severe challenges for video-based transportation surveillance. To eliminate the influences of adverse weather conditions, we propose a dual attention and dual frequency-guided dehazing network (termed DADFNet) for real-time visibility enhancement. It consists of a dual attention module (DAM) and a high-low frequency-guided sub-net (HLFN) to jointly consider the attention and frequency mapping to guide haze-free scene reconstruction. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world images demonstrate the superiority of DADFNet over state-of-the-art methods in terms of visibility enhancement and improvement in detection accuracy. Furthermore, DADFNet only takes $6.3$ ms to process a 1,920*1,080 image on the 2080 Ti GPU, making it highly efficient for deployment in intelligent transportation systems.

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