
* External authors




Fast Federated Machine Unlearning with Nonlinear Functional Theory

Tianshi Che*

Yang Zhou*

Zijie Zhang*

Lingjuan Lyu

Ji Liu*

Da Yan*

Dejing Dou*

Jun Huan*

* External authors

ICML 2023



Federated machine unlearning (FMU) aims to remove the influence of a specified subset of training data upon request from a trained federated learning model. Despite achieving remarkable performance, existing FMU techniques suffer from inefficiency due to two sequential operations of training and retraining/unlearning on large-scale datasets. Our prior study, PCMU, was proposed to improve the efficiency of centralized machine unlearning (CMU) with certified guarantees, by simultaneously executing the training and unlearning operations. This paper proposes a fast FMU algorithm, FFMU, for improving the FMU efficiency while maintaining the unlearning quality. The PCMU method is leveraged to train a local machine learning (MU) model on each edge device. We propose to employ nonlinear functional analysis techniques to refine the local MU models as output functions of a Nemytskii operator. We conduct theoretical analysis to derive that the Nemytskii operator has a global Lipschitz constant, which allows us to bound the difference between two MU models regarding the distance between their gradients. Based on the Nemytskii operator and average smooth local gradients, the global MU model on the server is guaranteed to achieve close performance to each local MU model with the certified guarantees.

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